The Scarlet Brotherhood is a fringe group of fanatics dedicated to the eradication of magic from the world. It was originally formed in the last years of the Elder Wars as a reaction to the destructive and uncontrolled use of magic that marked that conflict. The roots of the group were in the Kingdom of Burgaresh but over the years agents of the neighboring Mage-Realm of Larenthy have mostly driven the group out of Burgaresh and the other Inland Sea lands. The Brotherhood is now believed to be based in the Kalembar Federation.
The Brotherhood is thought to be a relatively small group, with agents scattered in towns and cities throughout the Tempest Coast lands. Members are typically assassins, rogues and warriors, although there are said to be a number of divine spell casters among their ranks, and perhaps even a few arcane spell casters who have sworn to betray their brethren.
The sworn goal of the Brotherhood is to slay all arcane spell casters in the hopes of curtailing the knowledge and use of such magic. The members believe that arcane magic use is a pathway to evil, and must be done away with. Assassination and murder are the typical means by which they hope to achieve their goals. Victims of the Brotherhood typically have their bodies splashed with red paint, dye or animal blood.
Attacks in recent years have been fairly rare, and have generally targeted lower level spell casters, but every now and then a mage of significant ability has turned up dead, with the Brotherhood claiming responsibility.
The symbol most often used by the Brotherhood is a skull pierced by a lightning bolt. Because of their clandestine mission, the Brotherhood has no recognizable public dress, although they wear scarlet robes with light green trim in their private ceremonies.
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