Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A Minor Dilemma

Riding the wave of one of those periodic surges of "I need to write stuff", I find myself going back through all the material I have posted on this blog regarding the Myaran Realms through the lens of where things stand now. And by that I mean how far my current vision/version of the world has drifted from what I posted here at a certain point in time, which is as now as much as almost 4 years ago.

Any fantasy world is a living breathing thing, and develops as the players interact with it. And I will be the first to admit that I am a very different GM (and world builder) now than I was 4 years ago. Or at least I think I am.  And hope I am. And thus my view of things is informed by a very different base of game experience than it was at the start of our campaign. This 3.5 year campaign with consistent players and characters far exceeds anything we played in the distant haze of our youth.

So the question at hand is whether to go back and review all old posts, updating them as needed to fall in line with my current vision of the world, or to just forge ahead, leaving the past as is, and update bits that need updating as I get to it.

In favor of reviewing and updating old posts is:
  • Anyone looking at posts (ok, this is pretty much only me...) would never find a post that was now "wrong". Readers would be able to look at any given post and be relatively certain that what they were reading was correct.
  • Printing this material somewhere down the road via Blog2print or a similar service would result in a book that could be leafed through and read at face value. Again, a reader would not need to figure out what parts might have been superseded at some future point by a subsequent post.
In favor of simply forging ahead and correcting on the fly is:
  • It's easier. Reviewing and correcting old posts will be a lot of work.
So the trade-off ultimately is amount of work versus end result. Which I guess makes it a no brainer. I will do the work, and readers down the road (i.e. me) will be able to click a tag or find a bit of info and be able to know that it is correct. Or pretty close to correct.

In some cases this will require rewriting chunks of text. In others it will require going into Hexographer and capturing pieces of maps that have changed over time. I find it hard not to continually tinker with areas of the world map that the characters have not been to yet. This ongoing state of flux makes posting map captures problematic...but should be easy enough to fix.

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