Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Kingdom of Mercia

The Kingdom of Mercia is located on the eastern coast of the Northlands, south of Alsberg and Rimini, and north of Romney and Tiencin. It is ruled by a hereditary king, Roderick II, of house Santon. King Roderick has sat on the throne for 27 years, and is in his mid-50's.

Mercia is bordered on the north by the waters of Stillwater Reach, on the west by the Tellarn Mountains, and on the east by Oran Bay. The southern border skirts Pelican Lake and the far northern extent of the Nightshade Forest. It is a land of cool temperate climate and fertile farmland and fishing grounds.

A key time in the recent history of Mercia is the expansion, 18 years ago, of its northern borders. Prior to the expansion, Mercia's northern border was the Meredin River and the city of Belhaven. As Mercia has grown and prospered in recent generations, the independent cities and towns on the south shore of Stillwater Reach have become more and more accepting of the idea of becoming part of Mercia, and this came to pass officially 18 years ago when all independent towns and cities from the Meredin River north to Stillwater Reach consented to be annexed into the kingdom. Five years ago, construction of Harlon Castle on the northern border near Rimini was completed, firmly establishing the new northern boundary (and causing no small amount of agitation in Rimini). This expansion and castle construction has been a serious cause for concern for the fiercely independent Grand Duke of Rimini, and has caused tensions in the relations between the two states.
Northern Mercia (Hexographer, 6 mile scale)

The capital of Mercia is Medina, population 17,500. The cities of Atherwell, Belhaven, Rentana, Kardin and Severn range in population from 5,000-10,000. A dozen named towns of 1,000-3,000 each, along with Harlon Castle on the northern border, bring the urban population total to 76,000. Rural population of 380,000 (5 rural to 1 urban) brings the total population of the realm up to 456,000. Given that half the realm could be considered even somewhat settled, this bring the population density to 27 people per square mile (total) and 54 people per square mile (settled). This qualifies as moderately sparse.
Southern Mercia (Hexographer, 6 mile scale)

In addition to the usual farming and fishing industries, Mercia is blessed with large iron ore deposits in the Red Rock Hills and the precious metals and gemstones mined in the western mountains by prospectors and small mining communities which are brought into the country for sale, and processing.

Threats within the borders of the state have been minimized in recent years, but the pirates of the Oranthian Isles are an ongoing nuisance to the coastal communities, and there are periodic incursions of monsters and humanoid tribes from the Tellarn Mountains. There are also tales of many strange things occurring in the northern and southern reaches of the WitchWood, as well as unusual events around Pelican Lake.

Lastly, one of the great known dungeon complexes of the Northlands, the Smokehole Caverns, or simply Smokehole as it is generally known, sits astride the Sunrise Gap in the Tellarn Mountains, rendering an otherwise potentially important trade route virtually unusable.

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