Monday, September 15, 2014

The Elder Nations

A whirlwind tour... [edited 1/7/15]

The Land of Myrveen
Onoria, greatest of the Elder nations, occupied the land roughly bordered by the Iron Spire Mountains in the east, the upper reaches of the Umbral Mountains in the south, and the Craghorn Peaks in the north. It was bordered on the west by Ithilkar. The Great North Road of today runs through the southern portion of old Onoria.

Ithilkar, Onoria's biggest rival, occupied a great swath of land west of Onoria, east of the Dragonbane Mountains, south into the lands between the Umbral Mountains and Blood Peaks, and extending far north into what is now known as the Rivenrock Wastes.

Tirask, a smaller land, was a nation a seafarers, and occupied what is now Mercia, Rimini, Alsberg and territory stretching into the High Plateau area north of the current day Kalembar Federation.

Gorlavar, a nation of savage warriors, occupied the land west of the Dragonbane Mountains and around the northern shores of the Frostreach Sea. Mirraddi now exists in what was the southeastern part of Gorlavar.

Somewhere north of Onoria and Tirask, beyond the Craghorn Peaks, was the land of the elves of Myrveen. Another elven realm, Kyrellia, existed near the Dragonbane Mountains.

The dwarven kingdom of Barak Brannar (commonly known as Aravesk), was deep within the Craghorn Peaks northeast of Onoria.

The lands between the Elder Nations and the southern kingdoms (current day Romney, Saradel, Kalembar, Varlune and Darlish) were a largely unsettled wilderness area between the two great areas of civilization. These lands began to be settled by humans, mainly along the southern coast, when the remnants of the Elder nations were driven south during the Elder Wars.

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