I'll admit that sometime around the end of our Underdark story arc, I sorta lost my mojo. I think this mainly came from being not terribly satisfied with how I had planned and run most of that adventure series. Whatever the exact cause, prepping for games started to feel more like work than fun, and I just couldn't seem to come up with ideas for the future that excited me. Everything I was coming up with felt...blah.
I think this all showed in a couple of those last sessions, and I know I didn't do justice to my players.
While waiting for inspiration and enthusiasm for this campaign to return, as I know (or hope?) that it will, I have spent my D&D hobby time over the last couple of months sketching maps of other worlds, scribbling notes, and letting my imagination run free. Perhaps a little too free.
The thought occurred to me that maybe we should put this campaign on hiatus for a while, at least perhaps for a period over the summer, where it has historically been hard to get players together. In the meantime we could play new characters in a new world. In trying to set up our next game (long overdue), I suggested as much to our players. The general consensus seemed to be that they would rather continue to play the existing characters.
I'll admit to being a bit disappointed.
Then a funny thing happened. Resigned to the idea that I needed to prep for a game next week, I went back to where we left off at our last session (2.5 months ago by now), and found myself excited by the prospect. I spent a couple hours last night outlining some future possibilities, prepping for the immediate term, and enjoyed it very much.
So it seems I have found my mojo.
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