Saturday, February 24, 2018

Staff of the Explorer

In our session last night, the party found a magical staff which they Identified to be a Staff of the Explorer.

The Staff can hold ten charges, and will regain 1d6+2 charges per day at dawn. The user will not necessarily know how many charges the staff currently contains. If drained to zero charges, there is a 1 in 20 chance that the staff will explode, doing 6d6 force damage to anyone within a 30 foot radius at the time of the explosion.

The staff is an item of conjuration magic, and has the following powers:
  • point to a compass direction [1 charge, instantaneous]
  • conjure 50 feet of rope [1 charge, item exists for 1 hour then fades]
  • conjure a grappling hook [1 charge, item exists for 1 hour then fades]
  • conjure a 10 foot pole [1 charge, item exists for 1 hour then fades]
  • conjure 2d6 metal spikes [1 charge, item exists for 1 hour then fades]
  • point to a known location that the wielder has been to before [2 charges, instantaneous]
  • conjure a magical campfire which will not be extinguished by rain or other environmental factors, and lasts from the casting until the following dawn, or until dismissed [2 charges]
  • conjure 1 day's rations for 1 person [2 charges]
  • conjure up to 1 gallon of fresh water into a single container on hand (less water if a smaller container) [2 charges]
  • obliterate any trace of a campsite, including scent [2 charges]
  • obscure a campsite for one night (duration until the following dawn), such that campfire or similar light is shielded, noise is muffled, and direct view of the location is blurred (but not totally hidden). [3 charges]
  • conjure a 20 foot radius zone of moderate temperature, lasting 8 hours or until dismissed. The zone is based on a fixed point determined at the casting, and does not move. If the staff leaves the zone, the zone ends immediately. Temperatures less than 50 degrees will be increased to 50 degrees, and temperatures greater than 80 degrees will be reduced to 80 degrees. [5 charges]
Maybe we will tweak this a bit, but this is what I have in mind as of now...

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